In 2022, infobesity seems to be the disease of the century...
Maieutique et biodata

Today, the purpose of this paragraph is not to remind you that the world today has generated a great deal of data since the 1990s, particularly in the health and biotechnology sectors and thanks to the easy accessibility of the web.

Nor are we going to remind you that with the increased development of medical devices, digital health applications or the automation of processes or R&D methods, the amount of data available, this time in real time, will continue to grow exponentially.


Our goal at Absolute RxD is above all to be able to add value to your data, whatever your health or biotechnology issue. Indeed, having and accessing a lot of data is becoming easier and easier, especially with the Open data approach, but knowing what to do with it to bring a strong added value to your organisation or company is a more difficult thing.

Before even talking about machine learning or deep learning algorithmic solutions, before even coordinating your teams for an applied data science project, our company suggests you start at the beginning and answer the following question:

Image representing trainer explaining to other people some facts

What can be done with all our data?

Absolute RxD is helping you to answer thanks to:

1. Maieutic

• Understanding the scientific context with key players in your organisation. 

• Creativity workshop and research questions.  

• Transformation of your health issue into a data issue.

2. Scientific Intelligence and Proof Of Concept 

• State of the art on current knowledge related to your project 

• Transfer learning thanks to in-house training. 

3. Project Coordination or technical development 

Depending on the level of maturity of your organization, two possible services are offered:

i. Mature organisation for your biodata

We offer you our Project Planning and Management service.

ii. Maturing organisation for your biodata

We offer you our Technical Projects execution service.
1. Maieutic

• Understanding the scientific context with key players in your organisation. 

• Creativity workshop and research questions.  

• Transformation of your health issue into a data issue. 

2. Scientific Intelligence and Proof Of Concept

• State of the art on current knowledge related to your project 

• Transfer learning thanks to in-house training

3. Project Coordination or technical development

Depending on maturity level of your organisation, two possible services are offered: 

i. Mature organisation for your biodata
We offer you our Project Planning and Management service.
ii. Maturing organisation for your biodata
We offer you our Technical Projects execution service.