Open Health: Unleashing the potential of Open Source healthcare

Open Source health databases
Documents showing health datas

Open source databases are free data management systems with source code accessible to all. They allow users to access or customise the source code to suit their specific needs, offering great flexibility. They also often benefit from the support of active communities of developers and users, inducing regular updates, bug fixes and the addition of new features. Their high level of compatibility with other software and information systems also makes them easy to integrate into existing environments.

In healthcare, Absolute RXD is currently working on more than 350 databases in the field of biology, medicine and biotechnology.

Objective of Open Health

Our project is to offer comprehensive expertise on the most widely used open source databases in the healthcare sector.

In addition, at Absolute RXD we bring them added value by reprocessing the data collected to respond precisely to your scientific problems.

By combining this new data with that of in-house organisations, we can thus provide a complete and more accurate overview of the data available while at the same time having precise knowledge of the data.

Importation des bases de données dans un laptop
Benefits of Open Health for your organisation